7 Great Tips For Naming Your App

What’s in a name? Everything. The name of your app is your first impression. It’s your 5-second window to explain to the consumer what your app does, why it’s unique, and why they should download it?
As of May 2015, Statista reports 1.5 million apps available for Android users and a close 1.4 million apps to compete with in the Apple’s App Store.
With such a proliferation of apps, the name of your app in the split-second moments when someone’s browsing the App Store is everything. Make sure your app name is unforgettable. Here are some tips for a great first impression.
1. Keep it Simple, Stupid
While it is important to stay creative be sure to stick to names that are relatable and people can understand. According to Entrepreneur, naming experts believe it is better to use a combination of real words over fabricated words. Avoid strings of numbers, initials, or words only you can relate to. If you are able to read the name of your app and understand what it does, then you have a winner.
2. Test Your Audience
Test your name out by looking for outside opinions. Consulting friends and colleagues or even reaching out for expert advice is a good idea. BusinessInsider suggests the best names are the ones tried out on a sample audience. Come up with a few app names and test them out among co-workers and your potential customers.
3. Consult The Pros (ie Google)
Naming firms know the ins and outs of trademark laws and are a great source throughout your name search journey. The downside is naming firms are often expensive.
According to Entrepreneur.com, some charge as much as $80,000 to develop a company name (ouch). Don’t have the cash flow? Do a quick Google search of your app name. Although it may be available on the App Store look to make sure no company or other entity has already used your name.
With the right marketing strategy you’ll be using your app name in Twitter handles, Facebook posts, and domain names – make sure all these are available.
4. Get Creative! (Because you don’t have a choice)
With millions of new apps out there you are going to have to make yours stand out. Come up with a creative name or at least one that has not been taken already. While using made up words is big no. Combining real words and prefixes to make up your app name is a big yes. For instance Tweetbot, Instagram, Evernote, Picdish and the list goes on.
5. Short, Sweet, and To The Point
According to the Huffington Post Blog when picking a business name the shorter the better. Apps are no different. The App Store places a 75 character limit on App names and the Google Play Store restricts names to only 30 characters. Nonetheless keeping App Names under 25 characters is ideal. By using a 25 character limit, the app name will be fully viewable on a single screen and the name will not be cut off. Keep in mind it’s important to keep names short, easy to search, and memorable for the consumer. BusinessInsider.com suggests the best app names are up to two syllables long and can be easily turned into verbs (Venmo me, Uber it, Tweet this).
6. The Magic of Keywords
Keywords matter more in the app name than in any other section. Within a 25 character limit try adding 1-3 keywords in your title.
Descriptive words that are specific to your app and explain its purpose will enable users to find your app easier. According to AppEntrepreneursAssociation.com, apps with keywords in the title have a 10% increase in downloads.
7. You Can’t Rush Perfection
Even though Apple allows up to 120 days to hold onto a name before your initial binary is submitted, take your time to come up with a name that is the perfect fit for your app.
Your app deserves to have a name that sets it apart in a sea of apps and icons. Talk to friends, experts, and get the creative juices flowing- your app name should not be an afterthought.
Sometimes a first impression is all you have. Make sure yours is a good one. Remember to keep your app name simple and relatable to consumers.
Don’t forget to look for outside opinions regarding your app name. Trust me, two heads are always better than one. Get creative and have fun with your app name, but be sure to pick a name that has not been taken.
Make sure you conduct a thorough background check. Lastly devote time to choosing an app name that sticks and is as memorable as your app. Happy brainstorming! Any other app naming suggestions? Comment below!
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